A registered charity, no. 312765
Highgate is a school with an ambitious vision and a compelling mission. Founded in 1565 as an educational charity by Sir Roger Cholmeley, we have occupied the same site for 450 years. We have no sixteenth-century buildings or endowment: we are proud of our heritage, but we live by the success of what we achieve now. Our ambitions for the future are rooted in a set of core beliefs and values, which underpin everything we do:
• We believe that a good education should be accessible to more than those who can afford it, so we raise funds so that bright children for whom Highgate is the right school can come here, regardless of their parents’ or carers’ ability to pay the school fees.
• We are convinced that our Chrysalis Partnership is an innovative educational model, enabling pupils in state schools across London to have access to our exceptional teaching and learning in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
• We want to develop and enhance the School’s buildings and facilities so that our environment is the best it can be for teaching and learning. The masterplan for our site is based on a sound curriculum rationale.
We are committed to raising funds for these three core areas, which correspond directly to our beliefs about the kind of school we want Highgate to be. We also welcome unrestricted gifts because they can be directed towards the area of greatest need.
Wherever your philanthropic interests lie, your support will go right to the heart of Highgate and make a tangible difference. This is venture philanthropy: you can choose to make a philanthropic investment, and you can be certain that there will be a long-lasting and far-reaching return on your investment. That return will be, quite simply, transformed lives.